Land navigation is a skill that's not easily possessed but is greatly needed in many applications in life. it can seem a bit over whelming but with practice and some field training, you'll have it in no time. Here ill list all the items i use for my land navigation. Maps can be found for free at many online sites but my favorite is CALTOPO.
Map Set up:
- Type in your address in the search bar.
- Then on the left-hand side of the map will be a printer. Click it
- Make sure its set to 1:24000 scale
- Make sure paper size is 8.5x11 (printer paper)
- Now drag the box to the section you'd like to print off.
- Check these boxes (UTM, Lat,Lng, and change from Portrait to Landscape)
Now use your phone to set a point of a known location inside the scale of which you printed. Copy those coordinates to your grid paper and now plot it on the Map! Easy practice! start simple and work your way up to Plotting your location and then checking it with your phone or GPS!
Training starts now!
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